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Three Year Retreat 2022

It is a long-standing tradition in the Nyingma and Kagyu Schools of Tibetan Buddhism for mature students of Dharma, to take part in a three-year retreat under the guidance of a qualified teacher.
The goal of the three-year retreat is to create an environment where a meditator can deepen their experience of the Buddha’s profound realizations, which the Buddha described himself in the following way:

I have discovered the supremely sublime and astonishing absolute,
The ineffable state, untainted by language,
Suchness, the sky-like nature of phenomena,
Completely free of discursive, conceptual movement.


A boundary is set around the space at the beginning of the retreat, which remains in place for the full duration. The guidelines and daily schedules are strict, and no participant is allowed to leave the confines of the “retreat village” without an exceptional reason. Also, no one from outside the retreat boundary may enter. Group practice takes place in a small temple, and individual practice and meditation sessions take place in the retreatants’ private rooms. Retreatants can also practice in the beautiful natural surroundings outdoors within the protected circle of the “village.” Helpers are responsible for maintaining the facilities and the daily needs of everyone inside the retreat. Their tasks include shopping for food and other necessities, preparing meals, administration, budgeting, and so on.

The first three-year retreat at Gomde Pyrenées started in June 2022

14 men and women from around the world gathered at Gomde Pyrenées and entered into retreat. These courageous and compassionate practitioners, ordained and lay-people whose ages span several decades, withdrew from the outer world and began their practice under the guidance of our Retreat Master Drupon Lama Tenzin Sangpo, with the support of a translator and two main helpers. The actual retreat began in September, 22th 2022, and is still going on. It will continue for three years, three months and will finish at the end of 2025.

We invite you to take a moment and rejoice in the incredible benefits of the retreat. The merit from the wholehearted practice that will occur during this time will benefit all beings and support future retreats, not only for our lineage, but for any practitioner who deeply wishes to retreat! What if getting in touch with our inner wisdom and compassion through retreat is one of the most important steps that can possibly be taken toward achieving peace on earth?

If you would like to join the retreat, support the retreatants, or have other questions, please e-mail

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