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Support us

How to make your donation

If you would like to set up a monthly donation via bank transfer. Bank transfer is best as the fees taken are usually much smaller than credit card.

Rangjung Yeshe Gomde

IBAN: FR7610278089980002053710115


If you would like to set up a monthly donation via credit card or PayPal:

If you would like to make a single donation:

If you need any help, contact us at

Our support categories


Monthly donations

We rely on the generosity of our sangha and donors to make Chökyi Nyima Rinpoche’s vision come to life each year. Your donation supports us to take care of our staff and dear volunteers, realize ongoing and new projects, to pay for Gomde’s overall household, grounds keeping, utilities, and general administrative expenses.


Offerings for 3-year retreat

Donate towards tsok and prayers done by the three-year retreatants. Donations will be used to buy texts and dharma supplies for the three-year retreatants, and to improve the shrine.


Prayer requests and butter lamps

Engage in the daily pujas at Gomde Pyrénées by offering butter lamps and sponsoring tsok, sang, sur, prayer requests, flowers and more.


Retreat Support Fund

Your generous donation enables us to offer grants to practitioners with limited financial means who would like to do retreats in Gomde Pyrénées, in particular the 3 months retreat.

Volunteer support

The retreat center is run by volunteers, who share in their wish to practice meditation and contribute towards a growing community. We welcome people from around the world to retreat in this serene environment, and we need volunteers to help staff, maintain and renovate our center. Please join us by offering your technical or household skills to help make Rinpoche’s vision for Gomde a reality! 

If you are interested in volunteering at Gomde, please fill out the form ‘Volunteering Inquiry’, and we will get back to you about availability and what skills are currently needed.

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